Well, Dixie, that’s her name, came to live with us a couple of days ago. Mom and Dixie’s foster Mom were only a little concerned about introducing us at my house. It’s way better to introduce strange dogs in an neutral place like a park but since Dixie was used to living with other dogs and I am very socialized, we met at my house.
Of course, Mom picked up my food bowl and toys but we barely noticed. It didn’t take more than a couple of minutes of checking each other out that we started playing. And playing, and playing. I have had other dogs come to my house so I was a little surprised when her foster Mom and Dad left and she stayed. I guess that’s what it means to have a sister, not just a friend.
Mom kept my schedule pretty much the same. I got to eat at the same time and we went to sleep at the same time. Going to sleep the first night almost didn’t work. Dixie couldn’t settle down so Mom finally brought her crate in the bedroom and Dixie went right to sleep.
The next night, she jumped on the bed with me and went right to sleep. I am going to have to talk with her cuz she is a bed hog and she snores. She wants to sleep on Mom’s feet and that is where I like to sleep. I’ll just cuddle with Dad until she gets more used to us then I’ll get my space back.
I still get to eat at the same times but Dixie doesn’t know how to eat nice. She gets way too excited, jumping up and down, and she eats way too fast. Then, when she is done with her food, she tries to eat mine. Mom says the people who owned her probably didn’t feed her nice so she is helping her to have better manners. Dixie gets fed in her crate so even when she finishes first, she can’t come and try to get my food and I can take my time and enjoy my food.
Mom makes sure we each have alone time with each human. Yesterday Dad took me to dog-park while Mom took Dixie to see our Vet. I also get to spend time by myself on the deck. It’s my thinking time.
Enough work for now. Time to get back to playing and then a little nap.
Let me know what your experience has been with having a new dog come live with you.
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