Sunday, July 19, 2015

Gone Missing

Every day on Facebook (if you don’t follow us, we would like you to) we hear about dogs that got lost and their families are looking for them.  Getting lost can be very scary for a dog.  Imagine not being able to find your family.  You rode in the car so you are far from your house.  How will you find your way home?  Where will you find food?  Where will you sleep?
I know it’s hard but don’t panic.  Try to stay near where you got lost because chances are that is where your humans will be looking for you and they will be doing all kinds of things to help you find them again.  Here are a few things they should do:

1.  Call the local animal shelters and animal control.  Shelters help people find lost pets all the time.  They know people who will help you look and do things like hang up fliers.
2.   Make up posters using a recent photo.  Hang the posters all over the place.  Places like grocery stores, vet offices, pet stores and any place lots of people go to.  Be sure to ask if you can hang up a flier.  Most places will be happy to help.  Post them at road intersections and at play grounds and dog parks.

3.  Walk and drive around the area several times a day.  Talk to the people who live there.  Give them a flier with your phone number so they can call right away.  Ask them to check their garages and shed or any other place a pet can hide.  Mail carriers know the neighborhood and the pets that belong there very well.

4.  Use Social Media.  There are lots of sites that are dedicated to helping find lost pets.  We get notices from Granite State Dog Recovery all the time. They are super good at helping pets get back home safely all the time.
5.  Don’t give up.  Your pet is trying to find you so don’t give up on finding them.

Dogs, never leave home without your tags!  Cats that go outside should wear tags too.  Wearing up to date tags can help your humans find you quickly if you get lost.  Make sure your microchip information is correct too.   If you do not have a microchip, get one.  It doesn’t hurt and microchips are a good back up.
I hope you never get lost but if you do, remember that your humans are doing everything they can to get you back safely.

Be safe,

P.S.  Blatant self-promotion.  Looking for the perfect gift for your pampered pet?  Spot's SPA has everything you need to give your pet the royal treatment.