Saturday, October 29, 2011

Ghosts, Goblins and Pets, Oh My!

It's almost time for Halloween and Trick or Treating.  Just like with human kids, Halloween can be fun or really scary for us fur babies.  Here are some ways to keep pets safe and still have fun.
There is no way I am dressing up in a costume.  I will wear a pretty new halter or collar (one with precious stones would be nice), or even a silk scarf as a fashion accessory (okay, a kerchief) but NO  funny costume!  Lots of dogs, like my friend Sophie, do like to dress up.  So check with your pet first to make sure they like dressing up.  Also,  check the costume for anything that can be chewed off and choke on.
If you are staying at home and giving out the treats, please keep the candy bowl out of reach. Candy is very tempting but things in candy like xylitol (artificial sweetener) and chocolate are very dangerous.  Pumpkins aren't poisonous but they can cause tummy aches if we munch too much.  And don't forget that lighted candles inside the pumpkin are super dangerous not only for pets.
Trick or Treaters coming to the door is very exciting.  I love to bark whenever the doorbell rings and I like to race my humans to the door to see who has come to visit me.  Remember that we can't tell the difference between children in scary monster costumes and real scary monsters. So if your pet is afraid, it's okay to let him or her stay in their crate where it is safe.
An open door is an invitation to join in the fun.  Please make sure your pets have proper id just in case they decide to go out on their own on Halloween night.
Have a Safe and Happy Halloween,
Your friend

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