One of the
things I like most about my job is that I get to go with Mom when we have
errands and when we deliver our gift baskets.
I ride in the back seat of our SUV right behind Mom. I have AC and heat so that I
don’t cook in the summer or freeze in the winter. I get left alone for minutes when Mom has to
go into a store, but NEVER when it is too hot outside. In the winter, I even have extra blankets to
snuggle in if I want.
I like
sitting behind Mom because I can look out the window. I like smelling the air as we drive. I can smell the trees and animal as we drive
through the wooded areas and even the not so pleasant smells when we drive
through the cities.
I like to
have the window open so I can smell better. Mom only opens it enough for me to stick my nose out of but
too small for me to stick my head out of, and when I am left alone in the car, the
window is only open a couple of inches.
My safety is
important to my humans. And I bet if you
are reading this blog, your safety is very important to your humans too. Obviously, a dog that gets to use to the
family computer is very well taken care of.
That’s why I’m
wondering why some people think they know better than our humans how to treat
us. Some places have laws that say that we have to wear seat belts. And now
they are trying to say we can’t stick our noses out of the window! Well, technically, they are trying to say we can't stick our heads
out of the window because we could be hurt.
We could get buggies in our eyes or even get smacked by a branch or something
hard if our humans aren’t careful.
If we are
driving through some states, like New Jersey, my Mom could have to pay the
policeman $1000 because I am not wearing a seat belt!? Yes, if our humans get our car crashed, we
could be very hurt or died. And it
probably isn’t safe for a dog to sit in their humans lap while the human is
driving. But come on.
Isn't it better to let humans know the dangers of letting their dogs stick their heads out of windows or letting them sit in their lap than to make a law? Look at all of the information that came out this summer about not leaving dogs in the car when it's too hot. People who didn't know about how bad it is learned and now they won't leave their dogs alone to be died.
Those people
who think up these laws mean well I’m sure but why aren’t they working harder
to protect those dogs that don’t have good humans taking care of them. The dogs that are made to be in dog fights,
the dogs used as bait to train fighting dogs, or the dogs kept in puppy
mills. These are the dogs that need to
be rescued and protected. Not dogs like
me who ride around in nice SUV’s and live with humans who try their best to
keep us safe.
I would be
interested in hearing about your car riding experiences and how you feel
about mandatory seat belts for dogs.
Your friend,
P.S. Shameless self promotion. Here is the sign that hangs on our door. I think it says it all. Every dog should have one of these.