Today I want to tell you my story. My six litter mates and I were born in a shelter in South Carolina. We were lucky. Some nice person found my dog mom and took her to a no kill shelter where we were born. When we were just 11 weeks old, we were put in a van and rode all the way to New England.
I don't remember much of the ride cuz I slept most of the way. The ride was long and we got to ride with different people along the way. Before we left South Carolina had our shots, were spay and neutered and had micro chips. When we got to New England, the two ladies who ran the rescue site took us to a vet and we got examined again.
Then the ladies took our pictures so we could go on That's where my Mom saw me. She said the minute she saw my picture, she knew I had to come and live with her. My name back then was Puff cuz I looked like a little ball of cotton and I didn't bark but made a little puffing sound. I bark now but sometimes I still like to puff.
My Mom and Dad lived far from where I was so they asked the nice lady who was taking care of me if she would please, please, please not adopt me to anyone else until they could come and get me. It was good she made the lady promise because it took a couple of days for them to get to me and by then five of my litter mates were adopted. It was just me and one brother left.
As soon as my Dad saw me, he said I had to come home with them, he said it was love at first sight for him too. I think he was right.
When I saw the lady who was going to be my Mom, she looked so sad. The two dog who lived in my house before me had just gone to Rainbow Bridge and she was very lonely. I knew right then that I had to rescue her. I am soooo glad I did.
Mom, Dad and me make a good team. Now all of us try to help other humans adopt shelter dogs so they won't be sad or lonely either.
If you were adopted, I'd love to hear how you found your humans.
Your rescued friend,
P.S. Blatant self promotion. One of my favorite Laurel Mountain Basket Co gift baskets, Dogs In Toyland cuz a dog can never have too many toys.
ReplyDeleteDo you believe in fate? Did you ever think you would land up in New England from South Carolina? Note the many ifs... IF that nice human hadn't taken ur fur mama to a no kill shelter....IF you hadnt been taken to New England cross country...IF u hadn't been put on that website...IF that nice lady hadn't held you for ur mom. It so totally sounds as if it was meant to be. We are happy you all found eachother.
Our fur mamas were in with the Army intelligence corps in Delhi. Our breeds are used along soft borders like Nepal and Myanmar for patrolling and ambush duty cos labs and alsatians would stand out like sore thumbs.
Like you we too had large families. I, Miu, had 6 siblings and Bumo here 7. Mama was presented with Miu first at the airport upon landing in the 45 degree summer heat! Poor me! Was almost dehydrated and couldn't do much at 24 days of age except wimper. Bumo came a week later in a basket on a mobike. Both were given to mama by a man who thought it a great idea to present not 1 but 2 dogs in the summer heat because mama was sad after losing her lab Waldo. Mama is still upset with him as to how he handled it. But Mama, Bumo and I are like the 3 musketeers now :-) Fate?
Ur loving pawpals, Miu and Bumo
Miu and Bumo!
ReplyDeleteYou both had big adventures getting to your forever home! How exciting that your fur mamas were with Army Intelligence... They must have been very brave and smart. No wonder you two are such a handful.
Airports, motorbikes ... sounds like one of my Dad's James Bond movies :) It's funny how men try to do nice things but they still manage to mess up some how. I'm sorry that your Mama was so sad when Waldo went to Rainbow Bridge but that's cuz she's such a good mama.
It is all about fate and chance how our lives work. Humans can plan lots of things but not what dogs are going to come into their lives and steal their hearts.
Big tail wags,
Your friend,
r u saying we r bond girls? :-)In that case I, Miu, am Halle Berry for sure. Bumo is long and tall. She can be Ursula Andress. He he