Monday, June 27, 2016

Are You A Helicopter Pet Parent?

My sister DixieLee isn't feeling so good. She doesn't want to play with me and she is not hungry. DL will eat anything at anytime so when she is not hungry, there is definitely something wrong. DixieLee has an appointment with the vet but not for some days yet. Mom is worried but Dad is really upset.
Mom said he was acting like a helicopter parent. I know that peoples Moms and Dads can be helicopter parents but I was surprised that there are helicopter pet parents too. While helicopter parents have a bad rep in the people world, they are may be the best kind to have in the dog world.
Unlike human babies who grow up to be teenagers and adults, dogs stay as dependent as babies and need close supervision and attention all of our lives.
We found a lists on Google that mention some of the traits of a helicopter pet parent. Although Mom didn't match all of them, she did find lots of things in common with other pet parents. Like:
1. Refusing to board us. Mom and Dad are going to a wedding later this summer and are stressing about having us stay in a kennel. At the other house we knew lots of people so someone would always stay with us if they went away.
2. Having more photos of their pets than other family members. Just check out Mom's Facebook page and guess whose photos you will see most. It could be that I am just so photogenic and DixieLee does such cute things all the time that she can't help it.
3. Avoiding vaccuming because we don't like it. Geez, we are only protecting them from that big, noisy monster.
4. Spending more time shopping for us than for themselves. Of course they do. It's important to choose just the right toy or treat.
5. Being particular about our food. We feel a little deprived in this area. We have friends like Bumo and Miu who get home cooked or raw food diets. We're stuck with dry kibble. Granted, it's high quality but it's still dry food. But, Mom did bring home some fancy canned food to see if she could get DixieLee to eat. Boy, she inhaled that and I did get a taste too.
There were tons more Mom found that described her but there were some that . Lots of dogs like my cousin Sophie who wear sweaters,coats and boots and we have two friends, Bella and Bekka who dress in dresses and all sorts of cute clothes. They, like lots of littler dogs ride in a stroller when they go out.
The bestest part of having a helicopter parent is that they make sure we get the best care all because they love us as much as we love them.
Your friend,
p.S.  Blatant self-promotion.  We forgot to mention, buy gifts for their pets.  We recommend Paw Pals Boutique where we believe that pets are people too.


  1. Zeva, Mama and I are glad you posted your blog and we could see it this morning. Mama will put up Lumas' blog later on his catbook page. We laughed because Mama is a true pet parent. Have a great day.

  2. Please send the link to Luma's blog so we can follow. You can send it via 23 million dogs if that is easiest. We have a cat following and would be happy to promote your blog.
