You all know my name is Zeva but you may not know how I got my name.
When my Mom and Dad first met me, they thought I was very pretty and very smart. A very pretty actress named Cote dePablo played a character named Ziva David, on TV. Ziva was a very smart NCIS agent. So, I got named after her.... only we spell my name differently.
My sister's name is DixieLee. She got her name because she is a Dixie Dog. A Dixie Dog is a dog that is rescued from high kill shelters in the South and brought North. She was originally named just plain Dixie but she didn't like that name. First of all it was "just plain" and Dixie is a place, not a name.
We thought about it and decided that DixieLee was a much prettier name and gave her more of a connection to her Southern heritage.
My friends Bumo and Miu are both from the Himalayan mountain regions of Tibet so their Mom gave them Tibetian names. Bumo means girl and Miu means doll. Their names fit them well.
Our friend Beauregard is a very special dog so his Mom named him after her very first dog who was also very special.
There are lots and lots of ways to choose a name for a pet.
Lots of pets have people names or people nicknames. Some of the most popular dog names are Max, Buddy and Charlie for boys and Bella, Lucy and Molly for girls.
Some favorite cat names are Tigger, Lucy and Molly. Lots of cats are given names that reflect their appearance or personality. Names like Shadow, Smoky and Midnight or Comet and Dash.
There are some things that might help people choose a good name. First, pets respond better to names that have one or two syllables. Some dogs, especially championship dogs, have really long names. Their papers may say their name is His Royal Highness Reginald III, his humans probably call him Reggie.
Also it should be a nice name. How embarrassing it would be to be playing at dog park with a bunch of new firends and have your human yell out "Come here Dog Breath"! I would run away for sure.
People should choose a name that will grow with their pet. Even if the puppy is the smallest of the litter, Tiny is not such a good name for a Great Dane or Newfoundland.
Let us know what your name is and how your humans chose it for you.
Your friend,
P.S. Blatant self-promotion. Looking for a super special gift for your favorite fur friend? Take a look at the super special gift baskets at
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