Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Here We Grow!

We're a small, family owned company. I had been doing lots and lots of different things in the company so when DixieLee came to live with us a couple of years ago she was able (after I trained her) to help me with product testing and help Dad with shipping and receiving.

When we decided to give the Pet Division its own website, we contacted my friends Bumo and Miu and asked them to help. Bumo and Miu are dogs who live with their graphic artist Mom. They helped me design our new website and are really helpful with market research. I love the logo they designed, don't you?

I think we make a good team but there was still something missing. Cats. Many of our clients are cats and we have lots of gift baskets designed specifically for cats but, if we are going to grow and give our clients what they want, we needed input from cats.

We were so lucky! Bumo and Miu have a cousin who is a cat and they told me about her. Her name is Fo and she is super special. You see, Fo was born blind.

I'm getting ahead of myself here. Fo was born in a litter of four kittens. A human girl named the kittens Fee, Fi, Fo and Fum, like in the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Anyway, when the human girl found that Fo was special, she asked her parents if she could keep her.

Fo loves her human girl so much. She spends all the time she can with her. She sits with her while she does her school work and listens really well when her human girl read stories. Fo started thinking about stories and how wonderful they are. Stories take you to places you physically can't go, especially if you are a blind cat.

Not long after Fo started thinking about telling stories, the human girl brought another cat home. A little kitten she named Alpha. Like most youngsters today, Alpha is very tech savvy. Even with paws, Alpha became really good at typing on the computer. So, while the human girl is at school, Alpha and Fo spend their time surfing the web.

Fo and Alpha have agreed to help us by being guest contributors to our blog. They are very excited and look forward to your comments. I hope you find their blogs interesting and informative and if you have any questions about cats, please, let them know.

As always,
Your friend,

P.S. Blatant Self-promotion.  Check out our new website and tell us what you think.  PawPalsBoutique.com

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